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First Blog - Indie Hacker Journey

Cover Image for First Blog - Indie Hacker Journey

Hi, I'm Ram. I've been developing for a few years, but never called myself a developer. I wonder when I could call myself a developer, possibly when I get my first job or check, but what if that day never comes and I have been working for years? Anyway this is the start of my blog about my journey, going all in on the indie hacker dream.

Typically I don't talk about myself, im conservative however I have realised after two unsuccessful projects in two years that I need to make big changes if I'm going to improve my chances of success from zero. I'm hitting CTRL + R on myself and keeping myself accountable via this blog. I will share my plans, future experience, accomplishments and failures here, in a new post every week. I hope this blog will help someone with their journey especially if that’s me.

My first project gained a handful of users after spending $60 on google ads, and my second project I didn't get a single user. Both projects failed to find Product Market Fit, now I am making this my first priority going forwards.

This week, I will be building a solution to find PMF. A way to validate ideas before spending valuable time building something nobody is interested in. I will be documenting my efforts building and sharing my results next week, hopefully along with a working solution.

For any readers please check back next week for my update and thank you for being with me on this journey.

Feel free to shoot me an email if you like the blog, or if you have one. And let me know if I should add a comments section?